
Sorry, no Thoreau in here. Or maybe your welcome?


If you're struggling getting in your steps, I have a suggestion for getting in steps and getting into the Now.

When you go to the store, park as far from the entrance as you can. This will give you steps to the store and back.

But wait there's more.

As you walk to the store just walk. Don't go over your shopping list mentally or by reading it. Don't think about all the things you will do after shopping.

Especially don't dwell on what Sheila said to you last night.

The future and the past aren't real. They are manifestations of the egoistic mind.

Don't Think.

Be in the Now.

Just walk. Feel your feet hit the ground. Feel your arms as they gently swing at your side. Notice your breath. Try to be aware of everything around you.

When you start to think, and you will start to think because the egoistic mind hates being ignored, try a couple of things.

Direct your attention to whatever worked the best from above. Notice your feet, arms, or breath.

I like to mentally say, "Oh, hi mind." then just be an observer. Observe what the mind is thinking. By just observing you are not giving energy to the mind.

If you can, stay in the Now while you shop. If your list is in your head, you'll have to ask the mind, "What's next on the list," but immediately go back to the Now. Just be in the store. Accept what is.

In Summary

By parking far from the store, you'll get more steps in and practice being in the Now.

As you learn and practice accepting what is, being in the moment, and paying attention to whats going on outside and inside your body; you'll approach peace and serenity.
