Email Is Not Lean
I like to think of myself as a lean thinker, so I prefer pull systems to push.
Email is a push system, since the sender has control over what information gets shared and whom it get shared with.
I think that's why email is a love/hate relationship with most people.
Email is not Safe
Email can lead to hazards, usually either stress from inbox overload or missing information.
Inbox Overload
When I send an email, if I miss someone in the to list then they won't see it. I lean towards adding more people not less. This increases the likelyhood of including people not in the intended audience.
I'm filling up people's inbox with information they did not need or want. I'm increasing their information inventory.
Information Inventory
Like other push systems, email creates excess inventory. Folks are trying to get to inbox zero and when they can't they declare email bankrupcy.
It's also a horrible way to store your information inventory. GMail comes close by providing powerful search facilities, but it only deodorizes the problem.
CMS and blogs are alternatives available for companies wanting to transition away from email.
We are so conditioned to open our email client first thing everyday, so making the transition is not trivial.
See Life After Email to see how Wordpress lives after email.